Adapting to a post pandemic normality Gen Z’sand millennials can embrace hybrid and remote-working but at what cost?

With a new world of work catalysed and moulded
by the pandemic demonstrating other ways of work
we have developed new and enhanced pre-existing
tools to aid the workforce allowing more flexible
schedules with employees supporting the shift
as “about one in three say they are satisfied
with their work life balance compered to one
in five back in 2019” (Deloitte’s 2023 Gen Z and
Millennial Survey.)The possibility
 of choice means a lot  when it
comes any individual so why shouldn’t you decide
when and where you work, business have taken
on-board the hybrid and remote working scheme
from the pandemic and implemented into the new
norm which we are seeing a new wave of cultures
to immerge.
Gen Z’s and millennials are on a path to
prioritise themselves and clap back against
malicious work environments and breaking through
vicious work place culture’s by various means
such as ‘quiet quitting’, in the early 2020’s
the trend spread rapidly on social media
with audiences resonating with the communal
frustration of giving so much of themselves,
their time and ambition to reap the same salary
while gaining no benefit or reward.
With reports stating 59% of the global workforce
consist of quiet quitters businesses and work
places need to improve their environment and
create incentives to drive and motivate employees
whom may be combating stress and burnout living
from pay check to pay check as more than half of
Gen z’s and millennials are taking on secondary
jobs just to make ends meet creating an imbalance
were sure we are all familiar with sacrificing
our social lives giving up opportunities with
affordably and time being the forefront of
everybody’s mind when making plans with today
consumers being hyper financially conscious.
With all this how do we consciously stay mindful
and navigate through to keep ourselves from
grinding down, with a modern forward-thinking
generation who thrive on flexibility companies
seem to sustain and even improve in productivity
making it so employees are happier and want to
put the work in.

As individual’s many find it difficult working
remotely, with some reporting feelings of
isolation and struggling with the lack of social
exchanges especially for those living alone where
a work-ers world becomes tied into the four walls
where one usually is meant to find escape and com-
fort becomes an environment plagued by stress,
duties and un-wanted pressure.
Another challenge when it comes to
mindfulness is the lack of exercise when
it comes to (WFH) the commute gets a lot
closer to home and it’s important to look
after the mind and the body, ways to do
so could include periodical exercise which
is proven to provide escape and en-hance
Feature model : Ethan Martin
ARTICLE: Tom Hargreaves
Photography : Tom Hargreaves